/ asymptotic convergences

Abigail Holloway, Feminine Relief Drawing, 2022, plaster, multipurpose plaster, clay, acrylic and gesso

Abigail Holloway

Feminine relief drawing is a series of observations and experiments in amalgamating the world as a tool of drawing. I harnessed aspects of time and motion as an asymptote, considering that the past, present and future are not always finite. It is not bound in magnitude and therefore becomes relative to each of us. A series of drawing sessions brought in different mediums, from snail slime and rainwater, to charcoal and pencil. This kind of ‘drawing’ developed the concept I call ‘relief surface drawing’.

For these timed series of plaster slabs I used multi-purpose plaster, acrylic paint and clay to create timed slabs mimicking/representing paper with relief drawing on the surfaces. They represent: A portrait, an experiment with sand and rocks, and a representation of rain and snail slime.

One of the works emerged as a result of the process of making these works, it is the slab of plaster left in the bucket, set aside to harden and form, neglected while the work is being made,  it was an experiment of not removing the plater moulding tripes soon enough. When left in the mould, steam from the plaster creates mold which turns the paper yellow and grey.