/ asymptotic convergences
Ntsako Nkuna, M P S D E L U X E, 2022, Mixed Media
Ntsako Nkuna
My intention with my work is centred around how we design our society and how these architectural decisions bring light to our values, beliefs, and fears as a people. As Winston Churchill stated: “We shape our buildings and then they shape us”.
I take a multimedia approach to my work. I work in layers these layers include digitally building 3D structures/environments, Screen-printing and building sculptural elements.
My current practice focuses on modular play systems (MPS) seen in restaurants and other kinds of family spaces. I look at how ideas around territory, community, ownership, and safety are strategically and maybe unconsciously projected onto the structural designs of play areas and visa-versa. Modular Play Systems are reminiscent of a community like interaction, most children demarcate which parts of the playhouse was their ‘home’, and the biggest factor that played a role in how much we interacted with each other was the fact that all the ‘houses’ were connected so we all had to walk into someone else's territory to reach our own, this is a contrast to most communities/neighbourhoods currently, thus the introduction of the burglar bars amplified and transformed these play areas into households.