Manyatsa Monyamane

Manyatsa Monyamane, Lekgotla: Kgobokano ya di Polelo , 2022, installation views


Lekgotla: Kgobokano ya di Polelo

in partial fulfilment of a Master of Arts in Fine Art

19 - 22 April

This absence of black women photographers in documented history of photography and art is an uncomfortable reminder of the lack of visibility of black women in the visual arts, and even more so, in photography. This study seeks to dispel the false notion that black women photographers in South Africa did not exist pre-1994. Though their personal and social histories do not fit neatly into the prevailing standards of what constitutes professional photography, I boldly declare these women as the first and unacknowledged generation of black women photographers in South Africa.


Photography by Reshma Chhiba