Virtual Hugs Conference
Virtual Hugs Conference, 2021, installation views
Virtual Hugs Conference
Creating from Precarious Edges
20-22 October 2021
Virtual Hugs 2021 acts as a gathering of artists where knowledge is generated. It aims to facilitate a community, a learning space, a think-tank and a long-term online resource. It builds our artistic community around the challenges and realities of being in the creative space. It is framed as a mode of inter-community caring that is facilitated through creative practices located within times of precarity. It generates a conversation around how creative practice opportunistically survives and grows within the cracks of life and thereby functions as a modality of care from which to build cohesive communities. ‘Virtual hugs’ are a way to show caring between members of the community that will intersperse all of our engagements.
Keynote speaker: renowned scholar, speaker and poet, Danai Mupotsa.
The organising committee is made up of interdisciplinary scholars: Anusia Pillay, Zodwa Tutani, Bev Butkow, Refiloe Namise, Michael Wilson and Joy Greyling who look forward to engaging with you.
Photography by Reshma Chhiba