Camilla Pontiggia 

Camilla Pontiggia, THINGS I FOUND NELLE VISCERE, 2024, Installation views



Camilla Pontiggia

in partial fulfilment of a Master of Art in Fine Arts

2 to 10 February

Things I Found Nelle Viscere is conceptualised as a performative exhibition space in which to activate and embody the research it is born of. Taking as a departure her life experiences between South Africa and Italy, Camilla looks to her personal encounters with coloniality and to the colonial histories of the two countries, in the relentless*, cyclical attempt to renegotiate a given blueprint/trap for knowing, being, and doing.

Digging through everything that sits inside the bowels of being, Things I Found Nelle Viscere wrestles with what arises - a map of a house that anticipates its own imprint of a world vision; a map of the world as an inscribed, stitched circle; a map of aestheTics, aestheSis and God as a series of golden frames  -  tending to the hum of noise they create, the sound of a world at odds with itself.
* ‘ the decolonial option is the relentless project of getting us all out of the mirage of modernity and the trap of coloniality.’ Walter Mignolo



Photography by Louis van Rooyen