/ WYAA’23
Olivia Pintér, Pink One, 2022, Oil on Board
Olivia Pintér
Pink One
‘ I am exploring, through paint, what is held in the in-between; the space between knowing and not-knowing. I ask paint to reveal what lies in the cracks of meandering questions between land and self; land and digital; land and reference, and now imagined landscape. These landscapes departed from the ordered nature of the values of the screenshot, cropped horizons, and grid of pixels into a numeric muddle of marks and bright, toxic, exciting colour. Paint becomes place. The layering of imagined, but not entirely imagined, marks become site. In amongst these layers live the reference points of the tailings dam, screenshot, alternate compositions, uneasy questions and shaking, temporal answers. They become both place and non-place. They become vessels of memory and holders of every muddled thought I encountered in my meetings with these surfaces. Their lines extend into horizons of other knowing and not-knowing that words are perhaps too limited to describe. I rely here on paint, on marks, on surface, on colour to communicate and excavate what could be known and not-known by land, by an ultimate, I think, placeholder.’ - Pintér, 2023