/ WYAA’23

Relebogile Malaza, How Are You Today?, 2023, Video


Relebogile Malaza

How Are You Today?

'How Are You Today?' is a monochrome photography artwork that encompasses 30 captivating  photographs in a video format, accompanied by an additional 20 private images. The creation of  this work stemmed from the desire to ignite conversations that have long remained dormant.  Through this work, I aim to establish a needed dialogue, prompting a profound exploration of  one's mental well-being. Hence, the title, 'How Are You Today?’, it serves as an invitation to  embark on this journey of introspection.  

This work was deeply personal, originating from intimate dialogues within my own home. These  conversations emphasised the idea of mental health challenges being shrouded in secrecy,  particularly within black communities. As I delved further, I became aware of the inadequate care  available to marginalised individuals, presently and historically. Consequently, my work aims to  emphasise mental health within black communities, emphasising and unpacking layers of why  this secrecy exists.  

The absence of faces in the photographs is a deliberate choice, meticulously crafted to allow the  viewer to insert themselves, thereby encouraging introspection and allowing them to project their  own experiences, for a more personal connection.  

Furthermore, I continued to an enlightening conversation with Dr. Michael Reid. Together, we  explored the nuances and language barriers surrounding mental health discussions within black  communities. Extensive research, coupled with a thought-provoking survey, individuals feedback  prompted meaningful changes, such as incorporating additional South African languages to  dismantle language barriers that hinder open mental health conversations. Essentially, dialogue  informed my work and continues to inform others.  

As the project progresses, I am to reach out to a broader audience. Thus far, the survey has  touched the lives of 50 individuals, and 11 individuals have engaged in an honest reflection about  how they are in the video, additionally, I have reached out to mental health organisations to further  deepen the impact of this work. 'How Are You Today?' is an ongoing dialogue.  

The symbolism of the curtain employed in this artwork serves as a metaphor a canvas, the  interplay between light and darkness, mirroring the intricate workings of our minds. By embracing  a timeless black-and-white aesthetic, I evoke a sense of history, subtly reminding viewers of the  historical inequities surrounding mental health care within black communities not just the  generational gap that exists but emphasising the interplay of two disparities that exist in  conversation.  

In an attempt to gift back to the muses of the work I designed a journal which is not for view, for  the dignity of the muses and to show the suppression and secrecy that exists. Reflections from  the muses adorn the walls, capturing their experience of engaging in this work and I hope you as  viewers you will too.